Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Brain Structures and Functions

Brain Stem - oldest part of the brain, where the spinal cord swells into the cerebral cortex

Medulla - base of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and respiration

Pons - on top of medulla, helps coordinate movement

Reticular Formation - bundle of nerve fibers inside the brain stem, in charge of controlling arousal (awareness)

Thalamus - egg shaped structures that "relay" sensory input coming from the spinal cord/peripheral nerves to other parts of the brain

Hypothalamus - controls the pituitary gland, located directly below the thalamus, part of the limbic system

Amygdala - two bean sized neural clusters that control anger and fear, part of limbic system

Hippocampus - encodes memories and relays them to specific parts of the cerebral cortex for permanent storage, part of the limbic system

Cerebellumcontrols voluntary movement and balance, known as "little brain" due to its resemblance to the cerebral cortex

Corpus Callosum - bundle of nerve fibers that connect the two hemisphere's of the brain

Cerebral Cortex - the outer layer of the brain of the brain, specific areas in it are in charge of specific functions, makes up the 4 lobes

Brocas' Area - controls the muscles involved in producing speech

Wernick's Area - controls language comprehension

Pituitary Gland - regulates growth and other grands, controlled by the hypothalamus, part of the endocrine system 

Adrenal Gland - located above the kidneys, secrete adrenaline to arouse the body in response to stress.

Thyroid Gland - in charge of secreting hormones that control metabolism 

Sex Glands - in charge of reproductive functions

Image sources:

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